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Publication : Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) exacerbates endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) in mice.

First Author  Zhang M Year  2000
Journal  Curr Eye Res Volume  21
Issue  6 Pages  913-7
PubMed ID  11262614 Mgi Jnum  J:69454
Mgi Id  MGI:1934685 Doi  10.1076/ceyr.21.6.913.6986
Citation  Zhang M, et al. (2000) Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) exacerbates endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) in mice. Curr Eye Res 21(6):913-7
abstractText  PURPOSE: We have previously shown that inhibition of the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor- (TNF)-alpha exacerbates the inflammatory process of EIU. To further examine this paradoxic phenomenon, we investigated here the effect on EIU of VIP, a neuropeptide that inbibits TNF-alpha production. METHODS: VIP was injected concurrently with endotoxin at doses that induce EIU or lethality in mice. Severity of EIU was measured by counting infiltrating cells in eye sections, at 1 or 5 days post endotoxin injection. Survival of mice was monitored periodically, while serum levels of TNF-alpha, interleukin-(IL)-1beta and IL-10 were determined by caputure ELISA. RESULTS: Treatment with VIP exacerbated EIU but provided partial protection from the lethal endotoxin effect. VIP treatment also reduced serum levels of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta, but increased levels of IL-10. CONCLUSION: This study further established the paradoxical observation that EIU is exacerbated by lowering the levels of circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines, in particular TNF-alpha.
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