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Publication : Quantitative trait loci affecting body weight and fatness from a mouse line selected for extreme high growth.

First Author  Brockmann GA Year  1998
Journal  Genetics Volume  150
Issue  1 Pages  369-81
PubMed ID  9725853 Mgi Jnum  J:49578
Mgi Id  MGI:1277718 Doi  10.1093/genetics/150.1.369
Citation  Brockmann GA, et al. (1998) Quantitative trait loci affecting body weight and fatness from a mouse line selected for extreme high growth. Genetics 150(1):369-81
abstractText  Quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing body weight were mapped by linkage analysis in crosses between a high body weight selected line (DU6) and a control line (DUKs). The two mouse lines differ in body weight by 106% and in abdominal fat weight by 100% at 42 days. They were generated from the same base population and maintained as outbred colonies. Determination of line-specific allele frequencies at microsatellite markers spanning the genome indicated significant changes between the lines on 15 autosomes and the X chromosome. To confirm these effects, a QTL analysis was performed using structured F2 pedigrees derived from crosses of a single male from DU6 with a female from DUKs. QTL significant at the genome-wide level were mapped for body weight on chromosome 11; for abdominal fat weight on chromosomes 4, 11, and 13; for abdominal fat percentage on chromosomes 3 and 4; and for the weights of liver on chromosomes 4 and 11, of kidney on chromosomes 2 and 9, and of spleen on chromosome 11. The strong effect on body weight of the QTL on chromosome 11 was confirmed in three independent pedigrees. The effect was additive and independent of sex, accounting for 21-35% of the phenotypic variance of body weight within the corresponding F2 populations. The test for multiple QTL on chromosome 11 with combined data from all pedigrees indicated the segregation of two loci separated by 36 cM influencing body weight.
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