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Publication : Myeloid-derived suppressor cells regulate growth of multiple myeloma by inhibiting T cells in bone marrow.

First Author  Ramachandran IR Year  2013
Journal  J Immunol Volume  190
Issue  7 Pages  3815-23
PubMed ID  23460744 Mgi Jnum  J:194813
Mgi Id  MGI:5474870 Doi  10.4049/jimmunol.1203373
Citation  Ramachandran IR, et al. (2013) Myeloid-derived suppressor cells regulate growth of multiple myeloma by inhibiting T cells in bone marrow. J Immunol 190(7):3815-23
abstractText  Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are one of the major factors limiting the immune response in cancer. However, their role in bone marrow (BM), the site of primary localization of multiple myeloma (MM), is poorly understood. In this study, we found a significant accumulation of CD11b(+)CD14(-)CD33(+) immunosuppressive MDSC in BM of patients with newly diagnosed MM. To assess the possible role of MDSC in MM, we used immunocompetent mouse models. Immunosuppressive MDSC accumulated in BM of mice as early as 1 wk after tumor inoculation. S100A9 knockout (KO) mice, which are deficient in their ability to accumulate MDSC in tumor-bearing hosts, demonstrated reduced MDSC accumulation in BM after injection of MM cells compared with wild-type mice. Growth of the immunogenic MM cells was significantly reduced in S100A9KO mice. This effect was associated with the accumulation of Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells in BM and spleens of S100A9KO mice, but not wild-type mice, and was abrogated by the administration of anti-CD8 Ab or adoptive transfer of MDSC. Thus, the accumulation of MDSC at early stages of MM plays a critical role in MM progression and suggests that MDSC can be considered a possible therapeutic target in this disease.
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