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Allele : Gpr21<tm1a(EUCOMM)Hmgu> G protein-coupled receptor 21; targeted mutation 1a, Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen GmbH

Primary Identifier  MGI:5472660 Allele Type  Targeted
Attribute String  Conditional ready, Null/knockout, Reporter Gene  Gpr21
Transmission  Cell Line Strain of Origin  C57BL/6N
Is Recombinase  false Is Wild Type  false
Project Collection  EUCOMM
molecularNote  The Ifitm2_intron_L1L2_GT1_LF2A_LacZ_BetactP_neo cassette was inserted at position 37407738 of Chromosome 2 (Build GRCm39) within an endogenous exon, creating an artificial intron that splits the original exon into two artificial exons, where the downstream artificial exon is critical. The cassette is composed of the intron of the Ifitm2 gene containing an FRT site followed by lacZ sequence and a loxP site. This first loxP site is followed by a neomycin resistance gene under the control of the human beta-actin promoter, SV40 polyA, a second FRT site and a second loxP site. A third loxP site is inserted downstream of the targeted exon(s) at position 37408555. The critical artificial exon(s) is/are thus flanked by loxP sites. A "conditional ready" (floxed) allele can be created by flp recombinase expression in mice carrying this allele. Subsequent cre expression results in a knockout mouse. If cre expression occurs without flp expression, a reporter knockout mouse will be created. Further information on targeting strategies used for this and other EUCOMMTOOLs alleles can be found at http://www.knockoutmouse.org/about/eucommtools/vectors.
  • mutations:
  • Insertion
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