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Publication : Regulation of GATA-3 expression during CD4 lineage differentiation.

First Author  Gimferrer I Year  2011
Journal  J Immunol Volume  186
Issue  7 Pages  3892-8
PubMed ID  21357543 Mgi Jnum  J:170688
Mgi Id  MGI:4947150 Doi  10.4049/jimmunol.1003505
Citation  Gimferrer I, et al. (2011) Regulation of GATA-3 Expression during CD4 Lineage Differentiation. J Immunol 186(7):3892-8
abstractText  GATA-3 is necessary for the development of MHC class II-restricted CD4 T cells, and its expression is increased during positive selection of these cells. TCR signals drive this upregulation, but the signaling pathways that control this process are not well understood. Using genetic and pharmacological approaches, we show that GATA-3 upregulation during thymocyte-positive selection is the result of additive inputs from the Ras/MAPK and calcineurin pathways. This upregulation requires the presence of the transcription factor c-Myb. Furthermore, we show that TH-POK can also upregulate GATA-3 in double-positive thymocytes, suggesting the existence of a positive feedback loop that contributes to lock in the initial commitment to the CD4 lineage during differentiation.
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