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Publication : Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load

First Author  The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database Year  2004
Journal  Database Release Mgi Jnum  J:68900
Mgi Id  MGI:1933683 Citation  The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database (2004) Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load. Database Release
abstractText  In collaboration with The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database, we loaded the integrated T31 Radiation Hybrid (RH) data into MGI. In an initial load of RH mapped loci in 2001, ESTs that were not already associated with existing MGI markers were used as evidence for creating new genes in MGI. This load resulted in redundancy of genes in the MGI database. This redundancy was resolved by curation of the genes in MGI that are represented by a single EST sequence. With new (2004) RH data available, the RH mapped loci were compared to existing MGI markers prior to loading the data to avoid the introduction of gene redundancy. For those expressed sequences that could not be associated with any existing MGI markers, DNA segment records were created and assigned to a chromosome based on the RH mapping data. For those expressed sequences that were associated with existing MGI markers, RH mapping experiment records were created if the RH map location was equivalent to the existing chromosome assignment for the marker or if the existing marker had no existing chromosome location. For those expressed sequences that had a chromosome location on the RH panel that differed from the chromosome location determined via a genetic or sequence map, a DNA segment record (DxMgixx) was created. In the mapping experiment, the markers are listed in the order of proximal to distal on each chromosome according to the RH panel. Additional information for these RH-mapped markers is available from The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database website (http://www.jax.org/resources/documents/cmdata/rhmap/). For more detailed information, please contact MGI at mgi-help@jax.org.
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