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Allele : Is(SYNGAP1-ZBTB9)1Bpro Insertion 1, Benjamin L Prosser

Primary Identifier  MGI:7432724 Allele Type  Other
Attribute String  Humanized sequence, Inserted expressed sequence, Null/knockout Gene  Is(SYNGAP1-ZBTB9)1Bpro
Strain of Origin  C57BL/6 Is Recombinase  false
Is Wild Type  false
molecularNote  The targeting vector contains from 5' to 3' a loxP site, an FRT-flanked neomycin cassette, a human genomic DNA 37.5kb BAC encoding SYNGAP1 and the adjacent ZBTB9 (ENSMUST00000194598.6) genes, an F3-flanked hygromycin, followed by a second loxP site is used to replace the entire genomic region of the Syngap1 and up to the STOP codon of the Zbtb9 gene. The insertion results in a knock-out of the mouse Syngap1 and Zbtb9 genes. Flp-mediated recombination removed the neo and hygro cassettes.
  • mutations:
  • Insertion,
  • Intergenic deletion
  • synonyms:
  • Syngap1<hu>,
  • Syngap1<hu>
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Mouse alleles --> Mammalian phenotypes (MP terms)



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