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Publication : Glucagon Receptor Antagonism Improves Glucose Metabolism and Cardiac Function by Promoting AMP-Mediated Protein Kinase in Diabetic Mice.

First Author  Sharma AX Year  2018
Journal  Cell Rep Volume  22
Issue  7 Pages  1760-1773
PubMed ID  29444429 Mgi Jnum  J:271073
Mgi Id  MGI:6278409 Doi  10.1016/j.celrep.2018.01.065
Citation  Sharma AX, et al. (2018) Glucagon Receptor Antagonism Improves Glucose Metabolism and Cardiac Function by Promoting AMP-Mediated Protein Kinase in Diabetic Mice. Cell Rep 22(7):1760-1773
abstractText  The antidiabetic potential of glucagon receptor antagonism presents an opportunity for use in an insulin-centric clinical environment. To investigate the metabolic effects of glucagon receptor antagonism in type 2 diabetes, we treated Lepr(db/db) and Lep(ob/ob) mice with REMD 2.59, a human monoclonal antibody and competitive antagonist of the glucagon receptor. As expected, REMD 2.59 suppresses hepatic glucose production and improves glycemia. Surprisingly, it also enhances insulin action in both liver and skeletal muscle, coinciding with an increase in AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-mediated lipid oxidation. Furthermore, weekly REMD 2.59 treatment over a period of months protects against diabetic cardiomyopathy. These functional improvements are not derived simply from correcting the systemic milieu; nondiabetic mice with cardiac-specific overexpression of lipoprotein lipase also show improvements in contractile function after REMD 2.59 treatment. These observations suggest that hyperglucagonemia enables lipotoxic conditions, allowing the development of insulin resistance and cardiac dysfunction during disease progression.
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