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Publication : Cloning and expression analysis of vacuolar H+-ATPase 69-kDa catalytic subunit cDNA in citrus (Citrus unshiu marc.)1.

First Author  Takanokura Y Year  1998
Journal  Biochim Biophys Acta Volume  1414
Issue  1-2 Pages  265-72
PubMed ID  9804972 Mgi Jnum  J:50938
Mgi Id  MGI:1313063 Doi  10.1016/s0005-2736(98)00148-5
Citation  Takanokura Y, et al. (1998) Cloning and expression analysis of vacuolar H+-ATPase 69-kDa catalytic subunit cDNA in citrus (Citrus unshiu marc.)1. Biochim Biophys Acta 1414(1-2):265-72
abstractText  To investigate the mechanism of sugar accumulation in fruit vacuoles, a full length cDNA (CitVATP-A) encoding the vacuolar H+-ATPase 69-kDa catalytic subunit was isolated from a cDNA library constructed from citrus fruit (Citrus unshiu Marc.). A 2304-bp insert of CitVATP-A was coded for a 623 amino acid polypeptide with a predicted molecular mass of 68.68 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence for CitVATP-A showed a 96.5% homology with the carrot homologue. Genomic Southern blot analysis suggested that CitVATP-A is a low-copy number gene. Northern blot analysis of leaves and fruits during the developing stages showed that the level of expression is high in young leaves and is low in mature leaves, and that it increased in both the edible parts and the peel, during fruit growth and maturity.
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