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Type  MGI:General Description  at 2 months, mice show impaired glucose tolerance after intraperitoneal injection of glucose (2g/kg body weight) relative to control C57BL/6 (B6) mice but no difference in fasting blood glucose levels are seen; blood glucose (mg/dl) remains higher than levels in injected controls during the full 2 hour post-injection period glucose intolerance is more profound in females than males this is observed on a congenic (or 'pure') C57BL/6 background or on a mixed B6 background similar findings are observed independently in other labs where transgenic mice are on mixed (undetermined B6 contribution) or primarily C57BL/6 (95% B6) backgrounds; blood glucose levels remain elevated relative to controls for at least 30-60 minutes after glucose injection in transgenic mice at 6 or 18 weeks of age on a highly (95%) B6 background