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Publication : Antiangiogenesis strategies revisited: from starving tumors to alleviating hypoxia.

First Author  Jain RK Year  2014
Journal  Cancer Cell Volume  26
Issue  5 Pages  605-22
PubMed ID  25517747 Mgi Jnum  J:217734
Mgi Id  MGI:5615515 Doi  10.1016/j.ccell.2014.10.006
Citation  Jain RK (2014) Antiangiogenesis strategies revisited: from starving tumors to alleviating hypoxia. Cancer Cell 26(5):605-22
abstractText  Ten antiangiogenic drugs targeting VEGF or its receptors are approved for cancer treatment. However, these agents, intended to block tumors' blood supply, may cause hypoxia, which may fuel tumor progression and treatment resistance. Emerging clinical data suggest that patients whose tumor perfusion or oxygenation increases in response to these agents may actually survive longer. Hence, strategies aimed at alleviating tumor hypoxia while improving perfusion may enhance the outcome of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. Here I summarize lessons learned from preclinical and clinical studies over the past decade and propose strategies for improving antiangiogenic therapy outcomes for malignant and nonmalignant diseases.
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