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Publication : Linkage of the locus for serum albumin in the house mouse, Mus musculus.

First Author  Nichols EA Year  1975
Journal  Biochem Genet Volume  13
Issue  9-10 Pages  551-5
PubMed ID  1203054 Mgi Jnum  J:5603
Mgi Id  MGI:54080 Doi  10.1007/BF00484914
Citation  Nichols EA, et al. (1975) Linkage of the locus for serum albumin in the house mouse, Mus musculus. Biochem Genet 13(9-10):551-5
abstractText  An electrophoretic variant for serum albumin in Mus musculus has been used to map the structural gene for this protein to chromosome 5.
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