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Publication : Munc18c provides stimulus-selective regulation of GLUT4 but not fatty acid transporter trafficking in skeletal muscle.

First Author  Jain SS Year  2012
Journal  FEBS Lett Volume  586
Issue  16 Pages  2428-35
PubMed ID  22687245 Mgi Jnum  J:186997
Mgi Id  MGI:5435105 Doi  10.1016/j.febslet.2012.05.061
Citation  Jain SS, et al. (2012) Munc18c provides stimulus-selective regulation of GLUT4 but not fatty acid transporter trafficking in skeletal muscle. FEBS Lett 586(16):2428-35
abstractText  Insulin-, and contraction-induced GLUT4 and fatty acid (FA) transporter translocation may share common trafficking mechanisms. Our objective was to examine the effects of partial Munc18c ablation on muscle glucose and FA transport, FA oxidation, GLUT4 and FA transporter (FAT/CD36, FABPpm, FATP1, FATP4) trafficking to the sarcolemma, and FAT/CD36 to mitochondria. In Munc18c(-/+) mice, insulin-stimulated glucose transport and GLUT4 sarcolemmal appearance were impaired, but were unaffected by contraction. Insulin- and contraction-stimulated FA transport, sarcolemmal FA transporter appearance, and contraction-mediated mitochondrial FAT/CD36 were increased normally in Munc18c(-/+) mice. Hence, Munc18c provides stimulus-specific regulation of GLUT4 trafficking, but not FA transporter trafficking.
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