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Publication : Anemia with chronic renal disorder and disrupted metabolism of erythropoietin in ICR-derived glomerulonephritis (ICGN) mice.

First Author  Yamaguchi-Yamada M Year  2004
Journal  J Vet Med Sci Volume  66
Issue  4 Pages  423-31
PubMed ID  15133273 Mgi Jnum  J:327842
Mgi Id  MGI:6840200 Doi  10.1292/jvms.66.423
Citation  Yamaguchi-Yamada M, et al. (2004) Anemia with chronic renal disorder and disrupted metabolism of erythropoietin in ICR-derived glomerulonephritis (ICGN) mice. J Vet Med Sci 66(4):423-31
abstractText  The ICR-derived glomerulonephritis (ICGN) mouse, a new inbred mouse strain with a hereditary nephrotic syndrome, is considered to be a good model of human idiopathic nephrotic syndrome and notably exhibits proteinuria and hypoproteinemia from the neonatal stage. In chronic renal disorder (CRD), anemia is a major subsequent symptom (renal anemia). The precise cause of renal anemia remains unclear, primarily owing to the lack of appropriate spontaneous animal models for CRD. To establish adequate animal models for anemia with CRD, we examined the hematological-biochemical properties and histopathological characteristics. With the deterioration of renal function, ICGN mice developed a normochromic and normocytic anemia, and exhibited normochromic and microcytic at the terminal stage. The expression of erythropoietin (EPO) mRNA both in the kidneys and liver and the EPO leak into the urine were observed in ICGN mice, indicating a disrupted metabolism of EPO in ICGN mice. In addition, a lack of iron induced by the hemolysis in the spleen and the leak of transferrin into urine as proteinuria aggravated the anemic condition. In conclusion, the ICGN mouse is a good model for anemia with CRD.
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