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Publication : High-throughput discovery of novel developmental phenotypes.

First Author  Dickinson ME Year  2016
Journal  Nature Volume  537
Issue  7621 Pages  508-514
PubMed ID  27626380 Mgi Jnum  J:236599
Mgi Id  MGI:5806665 Doi  10.1038/nature19356
Citation  Dickinson ME, et al. (2016) High-throughput discovery of novel developmental phenotypes. Nature 537(7621):508-514
abstractText  Approximately one-third of all mammalian genes are essential for life. Phenotypes resulting from knockouts of these genes in mice have provided tremendous insight into gene function and congenital disorders. As part of the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium effort to generate and phenotypically characterize 5,000 knockout mouse lines, here we identify 410 lethal genes during the production of the first 1,751 unique gene knockouts. Using a standardized phenotyping platform that incorporates high-resolution 3D imaging, we identify phenotypes at multiple time points for previously uncharacterized genes and additional phenotypes for genes with previously reported mutant phenotypes. Unexpectedly, our analysis reveals that incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity are common even on a defined genetic background. In addition, we show that human disease genes are enriched for essential genes, thus providing a dataset that facilitates the prioritization and validation of mutations identified in clinical sequencing efforts.
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