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Publication : Involvement of insulin-like growth factor-insulin receptor signal pathway in the transgenic mouse model of medulloblastoma.

First Author  Sun Q Year  2008
Journal  Cancer Sci Volume  99
Issue  2 Pages  234-40
PubMed ID  18271920 Mgi Jnum  J:141623
Mgi Id  MGI:3819043 Doi  10.1111/j.1349-7006.2007.00679.x
Citation  Sun Q, et al. (2008) Involvement of insulin-like growth factor-insulin receptor signal pathway in the transgenic mouse model of medulloblastoma. Cancer Sci 99(2):234-40
abstractText  A transgenic mouse model expressing Simian virus 40 T-antigen (SV40Tag) under the control of a tetracycline system was generated. In this model, a cerebellar tumor was developed after doxycycline hydrochloride treatment. Real time-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry results indicated that the SV40Tag gene was expressed in the tumor. Pathological analysis showed that the tumor belonged to medulloblastoma. Further molecular characterization of the tumor demonstrated that the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling pathway was activated. We also found that the SV40Tag could bind and translocate insulin receptor substrate 1 into the nucleus in primary cultured tumor cells. The interaction between the IGF pathway and SV40Tag may contribute to the process of malignant transformation in medulloblastoma. This transgenic animal model provides an important tool for studies on the signal pathways involved in the preneoplastic process in medulloblastoma and could help to identify therapeutic targets for brain tumors.
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