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Publication : Adenosine kinase inhibition selectively promotes rodent and porcine islet β-cell replication.

First Author  Annes JP Year  2012
Journal  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Volume  109
Issue  10 Pages  3915-20
PubMed ID  22345561 Mgi Jnum  J:182148
Mgi Id  MGI:5314835 Doi  10.1073/pnas.1201149109
Citation  Annes JP, et al. (2012) Adenosine kinase inhibition selectively promotes rodent and porcine islet beta-cell replication. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109(10):3915-20
abstractText  Diabetes is a pathological condition characterized by relative insulin deficiency, persistent hyperglycemia, and, consequently, diffuse micro- and macrovascular disease. One therapeutic strategy is to amplify insulin-secretion capacity by increasing the number of the insulin-producing beta cells without triggering a generalized proliferative response. Here, we present the development of a small-molecule screening platform for the identification of molecules that increase beta-cell replication. Using this platform, we identify a class of compounds [adenosine kinase inhibitors (ADK-Is)] that promote replication of primary beta cells in three species (mouse, rat, and pig). Furthermore, the replication effect of ADK-Is is cell type-selective: treatment of islet cell cultures with ADK-Is increases replication of beta cells but not that of alpha cells, PP cells, or fibroblasts. Short-term in vivo treatment with an ADK-I also increases beta-cell replication but not exocrine cell or hepatocyte replication. Therefore, we propose ADK inhibition as a strategy for the treatment of diabetes.
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