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Publication : Different pathways regulate expression of the skeletal myosin heavy chain genes.

First Author  Allen DL Year  2001
Journal  J Biol Chem Volume  276
Issue  47 Pages  43524-33
PubMed ID  11551968 Mgi Jnum  J:72767
Mgi Id  MGI:2153574 Doi  10.1074/jbc.M108017200
Citation  Allen DL, et al. (2001) Different pathways regulate expression of the skeletal Myosin heavy chain genes. J Biol Chem 276(47):43524-33
abstractText  Mammalian skeletal muscles are a mosaic of different fiber types largely defined by differential myosin heavy chain (MyHC) expression. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating expression of the MyHC gene family members in different fiber types. In this work, we identified several cis- and trans-elements that regulate expression of the three adult fast MyHC genes. Despite multiple DNA-binding motifs for well characterized muscle transcription factors upstream of all three fast MyHC genes, expression of MyoD/Myf-5, calcineurin, or NFAT3 had different effects on the three promoters. MyoD or Myf-5 overexpression preferentially activated the IIb promoter, whereas NFAT or activated calcineurin overexpression preferentially activated the IIa promoter. Calcineurin had a 50-100-fold stimulatory effect on the IIa promoter, and the known downstream effectors of calcineurin (myocyte enhancer factor-2 and NFAT) cannot completely account for this activation. Finally, we identified two elements critical for regulating MyHC-IId/x expression: a 130-base pair enhancer element and a CArG-like element that inhibited IId/x promoter activity in vitro. Thus, we have found specific regulatory pathways that are distinct for the three adult fast MyHC genes. These elements are logical candidates for fiber-specific control of skeletal muscle gene expression in vivo.
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