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Publication : Skeletal muscle-specific forkhead box protein-O1 overexpression suppresses atherosclerosis progression in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice.

First Author  Shimba Y Year  2021
Journal  Biochem Biophys Res Commun Volume  540
Pages  61-66 PubMed ID  33450481
Mgi Jnum  J:305945 Mgi Id  MGI:6705989
Doi  10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.01.001 Citation  Shimba Y, et al. (2021) Skeletal muscle-specific forkhead box protein-O1 overexpression suppresses atherosclerosis progression in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 540:61-66
abstractText  Calorie restriction (CR) reportedly prevents atherosclerotic diseases. Furthermore, CR induces forkhead box protein-O1 (FOXO-1) expression in the skeletal muscle, altering the character of the skeletal muscle. We previously reported that the change in skeletal muscle character, induced by the overexpression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1alpha, suppresses atherosclerotic progression in an atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E-knockout (ApoE-KO) mouse model. Thus, we hypothesized that skeletal muscle alternation induced by FOXO-1 may also have an anti-atherosclerotic effect in ApoE-KO mice. In this study, we investigated whether skeletal muscle-specific FOXO-1 overexpression suppresses the progression of atherosclerosis in ApoE-KO mice. We generated ApoE-KO/FOXO-1 mice, in which an ApoE-KO mouse was crossbred with a mouse presenting skeletal muscle-specific FOXO-1 overexpression (FOXO-1Tg). The mice were sacrificed at 20 weeks of age, and atherosclerotic plaque area and protein expression in the plaque were measured. Additionally, we measured the tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha)- induced mRNA expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), using serum collected from the FOXO-1Tg mice. Accordingly, ApoE-KO/FOXO-1 mice showed a 65% reduced atherosclerotic plaque area when compared with the ApoE-KO mice, with concomitantly reduced vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and macrophage infiltration. As compared to serum from wild-type mice, the serum collected from the FOXO-1Tg mice significantly suppressed the mRNA expression of VCAM-1, an atherosclerosis initiation factor, in TNFalpha-treated HUVECs. Therefore, these data suggest that skeletal muscle-specific FOXO-1 overexpression suppresses the progression of atherosclerosis in ApoE-KO mice. In part, the CR-induced anti-atherosclerotic effect could be attributed to FOXO-1 upregulation in the skeletal muscle.
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