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Publication : A developmental lineage-based gene co-expression network for mouse pancreatic β-cells reveals a role for <i>Zfp800</i> in pancreas development.

First Author  Osipovich AB Year  2021
Journal  Development Volume  148
Issue  6 PubMed ID  33653874
Mgi Jnum  J:306470 Mgi Id  MGI:6716121
Doi  10.1242/dev.196964 Citation  Osipovich AB, et al. (2021) A developmental lineage-based gene co-expression network for mouse pancreatic beta-cells reveals a role for Zfp800 in pancreas development. Development 148(6):dev196964
abstractText  To gain a deeper understanding of pancreatic beta-cell development, we used iterative weighted gene correlation network analysis to calculate a gene co-expression network (GCN) from 11 temporally and genetically defined murine cell populations. The GCN, which contained 91 distinct modules, was then used to gain three new biological insights. First, we found that the clustered protocadherin genes are differentially expressed during pancreas development. Pcdhgamma genes are preferentially expressed in pancreatic endoderm, Pcdhbeta genes in nascent islets, and Pcdhalpha genes in mature beta-cells. Second, after extracting sub-networks of transcriptional regulators for each developmental stage, we identified 81 zinc finger protein (ZFP) genes that are preferentially expressed during endocrine specification and beta-cell maturation. Third, we used the GCN to select three ZFPs for further analysis by CRISPR mutagenesis of mice. Zfp800 null mice exhibited early postnatal lethality, and at E18.5 their pancreata exhibited a reduced number of pancreatic endocrine cells, alterations in exocrine cell morphology, and marked changes in expression of genes involved in protein translation, hormone secretion and developmental pathways in the pancreas. Together, our results suggest that developmentally oriented GCNs have utility for gaining new insights into gene regulation during organogenesis.
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