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Publication : Anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective effect of TSG-6 (tumor necrosis factor-alpha-stimulated gene-6) in murine models of experimental arthritis.

First Author  Bárdos T Year  2001
Journal  Am J Pathol Volume  159
Issue  5 Pages  1711-21
PubMed ID  11696432 Mgi Jnum  J:72392
Mgi Id  MGI:2152622 Doi  10.1016/s0002-9440(10)63018-0
Citation  Bardos T, et al. (2001) Anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective effect of TSG-6 (tumor necrosis factor-alpha-stimulated gene-6) in murine models of experimental arthritis. Am J Pathol 159(5):1711-21
abstractText  Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)-stimulated gene-6 (TSG-6) is up-regulated by various cytokines and growth factors. TSG-6 binds to hyaluronan in inflamed synovial tissue and forms a complex with a serine protease inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor (IalphaI), increasing the protease inhibitory effect of IalphaI >100-fold. The TSG-6/IalphaI complex then blocks serine proteases, including the plasminogen-plasmin activation, probably the most important component in the activation processes of matrix metalloproteinases. To gain insight into the mechanisms of TSG-6 action in arthritis, we have used an autoimmune murine model (proteoglycan-induced arthritis) for systemic, and a monoarticular form of arthritis (antigen-induced arthritis) for local treatment of arthritis with recombinant mouse TSG-6 (rmTSG-6). Intravenous injection of rmTSG-6 induced a dramatic reduction of edema in acutely inflamed joints by immobilizing CD44-bound hyaluronan and, in long-term treatment, protected cartilage from degradation and blocked subchondral and periosteal bone erosion in inflamed joints. The intra-articular injection of a single dose (100 microg) of rmTSG-6 exhibited a strong chondroprotective effect for up to 5 to 7 days, preventing cartilage proteoglycan from metalloproteinase-induced degradation. In contrast, rmTSG-6 did not postpone the onset, nor reduce the incidence of arthritis. We were unable to detect any significant differences between control and rmTSG-6-treated animals when various serum markers (including pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, auto- and heteroantibody productions) or antigen-specific T-cell responses were compared, nor when the expressions of numerous cell surface receptors or adhesion molecules were measured. TSG-6 seems to play a critical negative regulatory feed-back function in inflammation, especially in arthritic processes.
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