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Publication : Increased levels of carbonic anhydrase II in the developing Down syndrome brain.

First Author  Palminiello S Year  2008
Journal  Brain Res Volume  1190
Pages  193-205 PubMed ID  18083150
Mgi Jnum  J:130837 Mgi Id  MGI:3772412
Doi  10.1016/j.brainres.2007.11.023 Citation  Palminiello S, et al. (2008) Increased levels of carbonic anhydrase II in the developing Down syndrome brain. Brain Res 1190:193-205
abstractText  By using a proteomic approach, we found increased levels of carbonic anhydrase II (CA II) in the brain of Ts65Dn mice, a mouse model for Down syndrome (DS). Further immunoblot analyses showed that the levels of CA II are increased not only in the brain of adult Ts65Dn mice but also in the brain of infants and young children with DS. Cellular localization of the enzyme in human brain, predominantly in the oligodendroglia and primitive vessels in fetal brain and in the oligodendroglia and some GABAergic neurons postnatally, was similar in DS subjects and controls. Given the role of CA II in regulation of electrolyte and water balance and pH homeostasis, up-regulation of CA II may reflect a compensatory mechanism mobilized in response to structural/functional abnormalities in the developing DS brain. However, this up-regulation may also have an unfavorable effect by increasing susceptibility to seizures of children with DS.
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