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Publication : Autoimmunity and increased c-myb transcription.

First Author  Mountz JD Year  1984
Journal  Science Volume  226
Issue  4678 Pages  1087-9
PubMed ID  6494925 Mgi Jnum  J:7637
Mgi Id  MGI:56106 Doi  10.1126/science.6494925
Citation  Mountz JD, et al. (1984) Autoimmunity and increased c-myb transcription. Science 226(4678):1087-9
abstractText  A single recessive gene, lpr, induces an autoimmune-lymphoproliferative syndrome in several strains of mice. The lymphoid organs of lpr/lpr mice contained cells with increased amounts of myb RNA, which codes for a protein found in the nucleus. A similar human lymphoproliferative disorder also had an increase in c-myb expression. Mouse T cells induced by mitogens to proliferate did not express large amounts of myb RNA, indicating that marked myb expression is not a general feature of lymphocyte activation and proliferation.
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