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Publication : A highly conserved apoptotic suppressor gene is located near the chicken T-cell receptor alpha chain constant region.

First Author  Wang K Year  1997
Journal  Immunogenetics Volume  46
Issue  5 Pages  376-82
PubMed ID  9271627 Mgi Jnum  J:46600
Mgi Id  MGI:1201468 Doi  10.1007/s002510050291
Citation  Wang K, et al. (1997) A highly conserved apoptotic suppressor gene is located near the chicken T-cell receptor alpha chain constant region. Immunogenetics 46(5):376-82
abstractText  A cosmid clone containing the chicken T-cell receptor alpha chain constant region (TCRAC) was sequenced. The cosmid contains the TCRAC gene, six putative joining gene segments (TCRAJ), and surprisingly, a chicken homologue for the human apoptotic suppressor gene, defender against cell death (DAD1). The DAD1 gene is 6.3 kilobases downstream of the TCRAC gene and has an inverted transcription orientation with respect to the TCRAC gene. The cDNA for the chicken DAD1 gene is 597 base pairs in length and encodes a highly conserved hydrophobic protein. The proximal location of DAD1 to the TCRAC locus has also been confirmed in both humans and mouse. The location of the DAD1 gene suggests that DAD1 may play an important role in T-cell related apoptotic activities.
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