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Publication : Mesenchymal cells are required for functional development of thymic epithelial cells.

First Author  Itoi M Year  2007
Journal  Int Immunol Volume  19
Issue  8 Pages  953-64
PubMed ID  17625108 Mgi Jnum  J:124645
Mgi Id  MGI:3722190 Doi  10.1093/intimm/dxm060
Citation  Itoi M, et al. (2007) Mesenchymal cells are required for functional development of thymic epithelial cells. Int Immunol 19(8):953-64
abstractText  Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions have essential roles in thymus organogenesis. Mesenchymal cells are known to be required for epithelial cell proliferation. However, the contribution of mesenchymal cells to thymic epithelial cell differentiation is still unclear. In the present study, we have investigated the roles of mesenchymal cells in functional development of epithelial cells in the thymus anlage in patch (ph) mutant mice, which have a primarily defect in mesenchymal cells caused by the absence of platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha expression. In the ph/ph thymus anlage, T cell progenitors migrate normally among the epithelial cells, however, they are severely impaired to proliferate and differentiate to CD25-positive cells. Epithelial cells of the ph/ph thymus anlage show severely impaired proliferation and expression of functional molecules, such as SCF, Delta-like 4 and MHC class II, which have crucial roles in T cell development. Moreover, the cultured ph/ph thymus anlage fails to develop into a mature organ supporting full T cell development. Addition of intact thymic mesenchymal cells to organ culture induces development of the ph/ph thymus anlage. In the cultured lobes, added mesenchymal cells contribute to form not only the capsule but also the meshwork structure mingled with epithelial cells. Our present results strongly suggest the roles of mesenchymal cells in functional development of epithelial cells in thymus organogenesis. In addition, our data suggest that mesenchymal cells are required to create the thymic microenvironment and to maintain epithelial architecture and function.
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