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Publication : Antibody to the ligand of CD40, gp39, blocks the occurrence of the acute and chronic forms of graft-vs-host disease.

First Author  Durie FH Year  1994
Journal  J Clin Invest Volume  94
Issue  3 Pages  1333-8
PubMed ID  7521888 Mgi Jnum  J:20453
Mgi Id  MGI:68541 Doi  10.1172/JCI117453
Citation  Durie FH, et al. (1994) Antibody to the ligand of CD40, gp39, blocks the occurrence of the acute and chronic forms of graft-vs-host disease. J Clin Invest 94(3):1333-8
abstractText  Chronic and acute graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD and aGVHD) result from donor cells responding to host disparate MHC alleles. In cGVHD (H-2d-->H-2bd), heightened polyclonal immunoglobulin production is due to the interaction of donor allospecific helper T cells (Th) and the host B cells. In vivo administration of antibody to the ligand for CD40, gp39, blocked cGVHD-induced serum anti-DNA autoantibodies, IgE production, spontaneous immunoglobulin production in vitro, and associated splenomegaly. Antibody production remained inhibited for extended periods of time after termination of anti-gp39 administration. Antiallogeneic CTL responses induced in a GVHD were also prevented by the in vivo administration of anti-gp39 as was the associated splenomegaly. These data suggest that CD40-gp39 interactions are critical in GVHD and that CD40-gp39 may be a valuable ligand-receptor pair for targeting immunotherapeutic agents to control GVHD.
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