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Publication : The Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 1 (HPS1) and HPS4 proteins are components of two complexes, BLOC-3 and BLOC-4, involved in the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles.

First Author  Chiang PW Year  2003
Journal  J Biol Chem Volume  278
Issue  22 Pages  20332-7
PubMed ID  12663659 Mgi Jnum  J:113973
Mgi Id  MGI:3687925 Doi  10.1074/jbc.M300090200
Citation  Chiang PW, et al. (2003) The Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 1 (HPS1) and HPS4 proteins are components of two complexes, BLOC-3 and BLOC-4, involved in the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles. J Biol Chem 278(22):20332-7
abstractText  Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a genetic disease of lysosome, melanosome, and granule biogenesis. Mutations of six different loci have been associated with HPS in humans, the most frequent of which are mutations of the HPS1 and HPS4 genes. Here, we show that the HPS1 and HPS4 proteins are components of two novel protein complexes involved in biogenesis of melanosome and lysosome-related organelles: biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex-(BLOC) 3 and BLOC-4. The phenotypes of Hps1-mutant (pale-ear; ep) and Hps4-mutant (light-ear; le) mice and humans are very similar, and cells from ep and le mice exhibit similar abnormalities of melanosome morphology. HPS1 protein is absent from ep-mutant cells, and HPS4 from le-mutant cells, but le-mutant cells also lack HPS1 protein. HPS4 protein seems to be necessary for stabilization of HPS1, and the HPS1 and HPS4 proteins co-immunoprecipitate, indicating that they are in a complex. HPS1 and HPS4 do not interact directly in a yeast two-hybrid system, although HPS4 interacts with itself. In a partially purified vesicular/organellar fraction, HPS1 and HPS4 are both components of a complex with a molecular mass of approximately 500 kDa, termed BLOC-3. Within BLOC-3, HPS1 and HPS4 are components of a discrete approximately 200-kDa module termed BLOC-4. In the cytosol, HPS1 (but not HPS4) is part of yet another complex, termed BLOC-5. We propose that the BLOC-3 and BLOC-4 HPS1.HPS4 complexes play a central role in trafficking cargo proteins to newly formed cytoplasmic organelles.
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