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Publication : The temporal and spatial expression of Claudins in epidermal development and the accelerated program of epidermal differentiation in K14-CaSR transgenic mice.

First Author  Troy TC Year  2007
Journal  Gene Expr Patterns Volume  7
Issue  4 Pages  423-30
PubMed ID  17182288 Mgi Jnum  J:117802
Mgi Id  MGI:3697754 Doi  10.1016/j.modgep.2006.11.006
Citation  Troy TC, et al. (2007) The temporal and spatial expression of Claudins in epidermal development and the accelerated program of epidermal differentiation in K14-CaSR transgenic mice. Gene Expr Patterns 7(4):423-30
abstractText  The importance of the epidermal permeability barrier (EPB) in protecting the mammalian species against harmful UV irradiation, microorganism invasion and water loss is well recognized, as is the role of calcium (Ca(2+)) in keratinocyte differentiation, cell-cell contact and the EPB. In a previous study, we reported that the overexpression of the Ca(2+)-sensing receptor (CaSR) in the undifferentiated basal cells of the epidermis induced a modified epidermal differentiation program including an accelerated EPB formation in transgenic mice, suggesting a role for CaSR signaling in the differentiation of embryonic epidermal cells during development. We now describe the expression profile of claudins (Cldns) and keratin markers in the accelerated EPB formation of K14-CaSR transgenic mice during development as compared to the wild type from E12.5 to newborn stages. Our data show that the transgenic epidermis undergoes an advanced epidermal differentiation program as compared to the wild type as evidenced morphologically as well as by the expression of K14, K1, loricrin, Cldn6, Cldn18 and Cldn11. In addition, we report for the first time the sequential expression of Cldns in epidermal development and describe that the localization of some Cldns change within the epidermis as it matures. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Cldn6 is expressed very early in epidermal morphogenesis, followed by Cldn18, Cldn11 and Cldn1.
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