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Allele : Tg(tetO-tdTomato,-Syp/EGFP*)1.1Luo transgene insertion 1.1, Liqun Luo

Primary Identifier  MGI:4461409 Allele Type  Transgenic
Attribute String  Inducible, Inserted expressed sequence, Reporter Gene  Tg(tetO-tdTomato,-Syp/EGFP*)1.1Luo
Strain of Origin  FVB Induced With  doxycycline/tetracycline
Is Recombinase  false Is Wild Type  false
molecularNote  The TRE-Bi-SG-T transgene was designed with a tdTomato protein sequence on one side, and a Syp-mut4EGFP fusion protein sequence on the other side of a bi-directional tetracycline-responsive promoter (tetO; also called tetracycline operator, tet-operator, or tetracycline-responsive element [TRE]) with CMV minimal enhancer-less promoter. The tdTomato is tagged with three Myc epitopes at its C-terminus and followed by a polyadenylation signal (tdTomato is a non-oligomerizing DsRed variant with a 12 residue linker fusing two copies of the protein (tandem dimer)). The Syp-mut4EGFP fusion protein is a full-length mouse synaptophysin (Syp) fused to a mutant enhanced green fluorescent protein (mut4EGFP; harboring the V163A/S175G codon changes for increased ability to fold properly at 37 degrees C) and followed by a polyadenylation signal.
  • mutations:
  • Insertion
  • synonyms:
  • TRE-Bi-SG-T line 1.1,
  • TRE-Bi-SG-T line 1.1
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