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Publication : Distal regulatory elements from the mouse metallothionein locus stimulate gene expression in transgenic mice.

First Author  Palmiter RD Year  1993
Journal  Mol Cell Biol Volume  13
Issue  9 Pages  5266-75
PubMed ID  8355681 Mgi Jnum  J:92452
Mgi Id  MGI:3052647 Doi  10.1128/mcb.13.9.5266
Citation  Palmiter RD, et al. (1993) Distal regulatory elements from the mouse metallothionein locus stimulate gene expression in transgenic mice. Mol Cell Biol 13(9):5266-75
abstractText  DNA regions of 10 and 7 kb that flank the mouse metallothionein II (MT-II) and MT-I genes, respectively, were combined with a minimally marked MT-I (MT-I*) gene and tested in transgenic mice. This construct resulted in (i) position-independent expression of MT-I* mRNA and copy number-dependent expression, (ii) levels of hepatic MT-I mRNA per cell per transgene that were about half that derived from endogenous MT-I genes, (iii) appropriate regulation by metals and hormones, and (iv) tissue distribution of transgene mRNA that resembled that of endogenous MT-I mRNA. These features were not observed when MT-I* was tested without the flanking regions. These MT-I flanking sequences also improved the expression of rat growth hormone reporter genes, with or without introns, that were under the control of the MT-I promoter. Moreover, they enhanced expression from two of four heterologous promoters/enhancers that were tested. Deletion analysis indicated that regions known to have DNase I-hypersensitive sites were necessary but not sufficient for high-level expression. These data suggest that the DNA regions flanking the mouse MT-I and MT-II genes have functions like the locus control regions described for other genes.
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