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Publication : Hyperglycemia in rodent models of type 2 diabetes requires insulin-resistant alpha cells.

First Author  Lee Y Year  2014
Journal  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Volume  111
Issue  36 Pages  13217-22
PubMed ID  25157166 Mgi Jnum  J:216393
Mgi Id  MGI:5608747 Doi  10.1073/pnas.1409638111
Citation  Lee Y, et al. (2014) Hyperglycemia in rodent models of type 2 diabetes requires insulin-resistant alpha cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111(36):13217-22
abstractText  To determine the role of glucagon action in diet-induced and genetic type 2 diabetes (T2D), we studied high-fat-diet-induced obese (DIO) and leptin receptor-defective (LepR(-/-)) rodents with and without glucagon receptors (GcgRs). DIO and LepR(-/-),GcgR(+/+) mice both developed hyperinsulinemia, increased liver sterol response element binding protein 1c, and obesity. DIO GcgR(+/+) mice developed mild T2D, whereas LepR(-/-),GcgR(+/+) mice developed severe T2D. High-fat-fed (HFF) glucagon receptor-null mice did not develop hyperinsulinemia, increased liver sterol response element binding protein 1c mRNA, or obesity. Insulin treatment of HFF GcgR(-/-) to simulate HFF-induced hyperinsulinemia caused obesity and mild T2D. LepR(-/-),GcgR(-/-) did not develop hyperinsulinemia or hyperglycemia. Adenoviral delivery of GcgR to GcgR(-/-),LepR(-/-) mice caused the severe hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia of LepR(-/-) mice to appear. Spontaneous disappearance of the GcgR transgene abolished the hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia. In conclusion, T2D hyperglycemia requires unsuppressible hyperglucagonemia from insulin-resistant alpha cells and is prevented by glucagon suppression or blockade.
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