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Publication : DOT1L promotes spermatid differentiation by regulating expression of genes required for histone-to-protamine replacement.

First Author  Malla AB Year  2023
Journal  Development Volume  150
Issue  9 PubMed ID  37082969
Mgi Jnum  J:335601 Mgi Id  MGI:7482319
Doi  10.1242/dev.201497 Citation  Malla AB, et al. (2023) DOT1L promotes spermatid differentiation by regulating expression of genes required for histone-to-protamine replacement. Development 150(9):dev201497
abstractText  Unique chromatin remodeling factors orchestrate dramatic changes in nuclear morphology during differentiation of the mature sperm head. A crucial step in this process is histone-to-protamine exchange, which must be executed correctly to avoid sperm DNA damage, embryonic lethality and male sterility. Here, we define an essential role for the histone methyltransferase DOT1L in the histone-to-protamine transition. We show that DOT1L is abundantly expressed in mouse meiotic and postmeiotic germ cells, and that methylation of histone H3 lysine 79 (H3K79), the modification catalyzed by DOT1L, is enriched in developing spermatids in the initial stages of histone replacement. Elongating spermatids lacking DOT1L fail to fully replace histones and exhibit aberrant protamine recruitment, resulting in deformed sperm heads and male sterility. Loss of DOT1L results in transcriptional dysregulation coinciding with the onset of histone replacement and affecting genes required for histone-to-protamine exchange. DOT1L also deposits H3K79me2 and promotes accumulation of elongating RNA Polymerase II at the testis-specific bromodomain gene Brdt. Together, our results indicate that DOT1L is an important mediator of transcription during spermatid differentiation and an indispensable regulator of male fertility.
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