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Publication : Uterus hyperplasia and increased carcinogen-induced tumorigenesis in mice carrying a targeted mutation of the Chk2 phosphorylation site in Brca1.

First Author  Kim SS Year  2004
Journal  Mol Cell Biol Volume  24
Issue  21 Pages  9498-507
PubMed ID  15485917 Mgi Jnum  J:94114
Mgi Id  MGI:3511107 Doi  10.1128/MCB.24.21.9498-9507.2004
Citation  Kim SS, et al. (2004) Uterus hyperplasia and increased carcinogen-induced tumorigenesis in mice carrying a targeted mutation of the Chk2 phosphorylation site in Brca1. Mol Cell Biol 24(21):9498-507
abstractText  The tumor suppressor BRCA1 contains multiple functional domains that interact with many proteins. After DNA damage, BRCA1 is phosphorylated by CHK2 at serine 988, followed by a change in its intracellular location. To study the functions of CHK2-dependent phosphorylation of BRCA1, we generated a mouse model carrying the mutation S971A (S971 in mouse Brca1 corresponds to S988 in human BRCA1) by gene targeting. Brca1(S971A/S971A) mice were born at the expected ratio without a developmental defect, unlike previously reported Brca1 mutant mice. However, Brca1(S971A/S971A) mice suffered a moderately increased risk of spontaneous tumor formation, with a majority of females developing uterus hyperplasia and ovarian abnormalities by 2 years of age. After treatment with DNA-damaging agents, Brca1(S971A/S971A) mice exhibited several abnormalities, including increased body weight, abnormal hair growth pattern, lymphoma, mammary tumors, and endometrial tumors. In addition, the onset of tumor formation became accelerated, and 80% of the mutant mice had developed tumors by 1 year of age. We demonstrated that the Brca1(S971A/S971A) cells displayed reduced ability to activate the G(2)/M cell cycle checkpoint upon gamma-irradiation and to stabilize p53 following N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine treatment. These observations suggest that Chk2 phosphorylation of S971 is involved in Brca1 function in modulating the DNA damage response and repressing tumor formation.
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