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Publication : Mild pericyte deficiency is associated with aberrant brain microvascular flow in aged PDGFRβ<sup>+/-</sup> mice.

First Author  Watson AN Year  2020
Journal  J Cereb Blood Flow Metab Volume  40
Issue  12 Pages  2387-2400
PubMed ID  31987006 Mgi Jnum  J:311160
Mgi Id  MGI:6766112 Doi  10.1177/0271678X19900543
Citation  Watson AN, et al. (2020) Mild pericyte deficiency is associated with aberrant brain microvascular flow in aged PDGFRbeta(+/-) mice. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 40(12):2387-2400
abstractText  The receptor tyrosine kinase PDGFRbeta is essential for pericyte migration to the endothelium. In mice lacking one allele of PDGFRbeta (PDGFRbeta(+/-)), previous reports have described an age-dependent loss of pericytes in the brain, leading to cerebrovascular dysfunction and subsequent neurodegeneration reminiscent of that seen in Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. We examined 12-20-month-old PDGFRbeta(+/-) mice to better understand how pericyte loss affects brain microvascular structure and perfusion in vivo. We observed a mild reduction of cortical pericyte number in PDGFRbeta(+/-) mice (27% fewer cell bodies) compared to controls, but no decrease in pericyte coverage of the endothelium. This mild degree of pericyte loss caused no discernable change in cortical microvascular density, length, basal diameter or reactivity to hypercapnia. Yet, it was associated with an increase in basal blood cell velocity, primarily in pre-capillary arterioles. Taken together, our results suggest that mild pericyte loss can lead to aberrant cerebral blood flow despite a lack of apparent effect on microvascular structure and reactivity.
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