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Publication : Glutamate receptors in cortical plasticity: molecular and cellular biology.

First Author  Kaczmarek L Year  1997
Journal  Physiol Rev Volume  77
Issue  1 Pages  217-55
PubMed ID  9016303 Mgi Jnum  J:38833
Mgi Id  MGI:86210 Doi  10.1152/physrev.1997.77.1.217
Citation  Kaczmarek L, et al. (1997) Glutamate receptors in cortical plasticity: molecular and cellular biology. Physiol Rev 77(1):217-55
abstractText  Glutamate receptors (GluRs) provide the major excitatory input to cortical neurons. Four main subtypes of GluRs are distinguished, namely, N-methyl-D-aspartate, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid, kainate, and metabotropic receptors. All of them have been implicated in neuronal plasticity, and this paper reviews data that may be pertinent to the role played by GluRs in neocortical plasticity both in adult animals as well as during postnatal development. Emphasis is given to receptor distribution analyzed by various means, such as physiological responses, ligand binding as revealed by receptor autoradiography, and expression of receptor subunits at both mRNA and protein (immunoreactivity) levels. Possible mechanisms of involvement of GluRs in plastic changes on cortical neuron response are reviewed, and data on up- and downregulation of GluRs in neocortical plasticity are summarized. Functional studies involving either activation or blocking, and effects of such manipulation on cortical plasticity are discussed.
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