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Publication : The E protein-TCF1 axis controls γδ T cell development and effector fate.

First Author  Fahl SP Year  2021
Journal  Cell Rep Volume  34
Issue  5 Pages  108716
PubMed ID  33535043 Mgi Jnum  J:304284
Mgi Id  MGI:6694808 Doi  10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108716
Citation  Fahl SP, et al. (2021) The E protein-TCF1 axis controls gammadelta T cell development and effector fate. Cell Rep 34(5):108716
abstractText  TCF1 plays a critical role in T lineage commitment and the development of alphabeta lineage T cells, but its role in gammadelta T cell development remains poorly understood. Here, we reveal a regulatory axis where T cell receptor (TCR) signaling controls TCF1 expression through an E-protein-bound regulatory element in the Tcf7 locus, and this axis regulates both gammadelta T lineage commitment and effector fate. Indeed, the level of TCF1 expression plays an important role in setting the threshold for gammadelta T lineage commitment and modulates the ability of TCR signaling to influence effector fate adoption by gammadelta T lineage progenitors. This finding provides mechanistic insight into how TCR-mediated repression of E proteins promotes the development of gammadelta T cells and their adoption of the interleukin (IL)-17-producing effector fate. IL-17-producing gammadelta T cells have been implicated in cancer progression and in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and multiple sclerosis.
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