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Publication : Foxp transcription factors suppress a non-pulmonary gene expression program to permit proper lung development.

First Author  Li S Year  2016
Journal  Dev Biol Volume  416
Issue  2 Pages  338-46
PubMed ID  27341756 Mgi Jnum  J:234990
Mgi Id  MGI:5792597 Doi  10.1016/j.ydbio.2016.06.020
Citation  Li S, et al. (2016) Foxp transcription factors suppress a non-pulmonary gene expression program to permit proper lung development. Dev Biol 416(2):338-46
abstractText  The inhibitory mechanisms that prevent gene expression programs from one tissue to be expressed in another are poorly understood. Foxp1/2/4 are forkhead transcription factors that repress gene expression and are individually important for endoderm development. We show that combined loss of all three Foxp1/2/4 family members in the developing anterior foregut endoderm leads to a loss of lung endoderm lineage commitment and subsequent development. Foxp1/2/4 deficient lungs express high levels of transcriptional regulators not normally expressed in the developing lung, including Pax2, Pax8, Pax9 and the Hoxa9-13 cluster. Ectopic expression of these transcriptional regulators is accompanied by decreased expression of lung restricted transcription factors including Nkx2-1, Sox2, and Sox9. Foxp1 binds to conserved forkhead DNA binding sites within the Hoxa9-13 cluster, indicating a direct repression mechanism. Thus, Foxp1/2/4 are essential for promoting lung endoderm development by repressing expression of non-pulmonary transcription factors.
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