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Publication : MGI Sequence Curation Reference

First Author  Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators Year  2003
Mgi Jnum  J:85000 Mgi Id  MGI:2667986
Citation  Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators (2003) MGI Sequence Curation Reference.
abstractText  To achieve a comprehensive and accurate sequence representation of mouse genes and other locus types, MGI curators evaluate sequence identity for publicly available nucleotide sequences, taking into account sequence similarity, data quality and biological context. Curators take advantage of available public sequence data and analysis resources to make judgments of sequence identity. Mouse strain information, mammalian ortholog data, and sequence quality information are used extensively when evaluating sequence alignments for identity. Sequences judged to be equivalent (i.e. of the same gene) are associated with the appropriate MGI gene or other locus type. If appropriate gene records for mouse sequence data do not yet exist in MGI, curators will create gene records as necessary. MGI gene record merges or splits can be driven by curatorial resolution of sequence data, particularly when novel sequences for a gene or genomic region become available. Sequence association errors can result from gaps or poor quality regions in the public genome assembly, or where expressed genomic regions lack good coverage from transcript-derived sequences. Subsequent refinements of the genome assembly and/or additional transcript-based sequence data will help resolve such instances. For more detailed information, please contact MGI at mgi-help@jax.org.
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