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Publication : Differences in partial agonist action at cholecystokinin receptors of mouse and rat are dependent on parameters extrinsic to receptor structure: molecular cloning, expression and functional characterization of the mouse type A cholecystokinin receptor.

First Author  Ghanekar D Year  1997
Journal  J Pharmacol Exp Ther Volume  282
Issue  3 Pages  1206-12
PubMed ID  9316827 Mgi Jnum  J:43365
Mgi Id  MGI:1097545 Citation  Ghanekar D, et al. (1997) Differences in partial agonist action at cholecystokinin receptors of mouse and rat are dependent on parameters extrinsic to receptor structure: molecular cloning, expression and functional characterization of the mouse type A cholecystokinin receptor. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 282(3):1206-12
abstractText  The mouse cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor is functionally distinct from the extensively studied rat receptor on the basis of differences in binding and biological activity of phenethyl ester analogs of CCK. These are partial agonists at the rat receptor and full agonists at the mouse pancreatic receptor. To explore this, we cloned the cDNA for the mouse type A CCK receptor, established a receptor-bearing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line and characterized its binding and biological characteristics. Despite 25 differences in amino acid sequence from the rat receptor, including a seven-amino acid insertion in the third intracellular loop, mouse and rat receptors were functionally indistinguishable when expressed in CHO cells. Of note, in the mouse pancreatic cell environment, a stable analog of guanosine triphosphate significantly inhibited binding of CCK-OPE, whereas it had no effect on binding to the same receptor on the CHO-CCKM cell line or to the rat receptor in either environment of the acinar cell. This likely reflects a difference in coupling of the mouse receptor to its G protein in the natural environment of the acinar cell. This may relate to differences extrinsic to the receptor, in the stoichiometry or character of G proteins or in the composition or organization of the lipid environment of the mouse acinar cell membrane. Although this may require complementation of the unique sequence of the mouse receptor, that structure alone is insufficient to explain this phenomenon. Receptor microenvironment makes an important, yet often ignored, contribution to receptor function.
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