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Publication : Development of the cerebellar defect in ataxic SELH/Bc mice.

First Author  Harris MJ Year  1994
Journal  Teratology Volume  50
Issue  1 Pages  63-73
PubMed ID  7974256 Mgi Jnum  J:19575
Mgi Id  MGI:67741 Doi  10.1002/tera.1420500109
Citation  Harris MJ, et al. (1994) Development of the cerebellar defect in ataxic SELH/Bc mice. Teratology 50(1):63-73
abstractText  In SELH/Bc mice, 5-10% of young adults are ataxic, due to a midline cleft in the cerebellum. An additional 10-20% of SELH/Bc embryos have exencephaly and die at birth. All SELH/Bc embryos omit a normal step in cranial neural tube closure, initiation of fusion at Closure 2. In the 80-90% that complete cranial neural tube closure, the last region of closure, on late D9, is the region of the prospective cerebellum, and its closure is late. We postulated that the cleft cerebellum in ataxic SELH/Bc mice derives from this delay in neural tube closure and predicted that we would see evidence of a cerebellar midline cleft in all earlier stages after cranial neural tube closure is normally complete. In the present study we show that the cerebellum is cleft in a 7-9% proportion of SELH/Bc D16 fetuses (2/28) and D11 embryos (15/167), and that the defect is detectable on D10. In these abnormal D16 fetuses, D11 and D10 embryos, there is a gap in midline continuity of cerebellar neuroepithelium, a finding consistent with our hypothesis that the neuroepithelium in this region fails to complete fusion in those embryos. We also show that cerebella of adult SELH/Bc ataxic mice have no obvious deficiency of lobules, or disorganization of tissue as in the Wnt-1 mutants.
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