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Publication : Genetic analysis of jumbled spine and ribs (Jsr) mutation affecting the vertebral development in mice.

First Author  Okano S Year  2002
Journal  Biochem Genet Volume  40
Issue  9-10 Pages  311-22
PubMed ID  12392169 Mgi Jnum  J:79455
Mgi Id  MGI:2388242 Doi  10.1023/a:1020208802791
Citation  Okano S, et al. (2002) Genetic analysis of jumbled spine and ribs (Jsr) mutation affecting the vertebral development in mice. Biochem Genet 40(9-10):311-22
abstractText  The jumbled spine and ribs (Jsr) mouse was derived from a spontaneous mutation. As the phenotype, a shortened trunk and kinky tail are characteristic Jsr traits. In this study, on high resolution mapping it was found that Lunatic fringe (Lfng) mapped at the same position as Jsr. Lfng was identified as the candidate gene for Jsr, but sequence analysis of this gene revealed no substitution in the coding region of cDNA. Therefore, we adopted the strategy of positional cloning for Jsr using a mouse bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. A BAC contig was constructed from three BAC clones showing positive signals of Lfng and 11MMHAP75FRD8.seq near the Jsr locus on chromosome 5. Based on the genetic mapping of both T7 and sp6 ends of a clone of BAC382-O-7 (BAC382), the Jsr gene was considered to exist in BAC382 and to be positioned near the sp6 side.
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