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Publication : Tenascin C protects aorta from acute dissection in mice.

First Author  Kimura T Year  2014
Journal  Sci Rep Volume  4
Pages  4051 PubMed ID  24514259
Mgi Jnum  J:210162 Mgi Id  MGI:5569667
Doi  10.1038/srep04051 Citation  Kimura T, et al. (2014) Tenascin C protects aorta from acute dissection in mice. Sci Rep 4:4051
abstractText  Acute aortic dissection (AAD) is caused by the disruption of intimomedial layer of the aortic walls, which is immediately life-threatening. Although recent studies indicate the importance of proinflammatory response in pathogenesis of AAD, the mechanism to keep the destructive inflammatory response in check is unknown. Here, we report that induction of tenascin-C (TNC) is a stress-evoked protective mechanism against the acute hemodynamic and humoral stress in aorta. Periaortic application of CaCl(2) caused stiffening of abdominal aorta, which augmented the hemodynamic stress and TNC induction in suprarenal aorta by angiotensin II infusion. Deletion of Tnc gene rendered mice susceptible to AAD development upon the aortic stress, which was accompanied by impaired TGFbeta signaling, insufficient induction of extracellular matrix proteins and exaggerated proinflammatory response. Thus, TNC works as a stress-evoked molecular damper to maintain the aortic integrity under the acute stress.
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