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Publication : Developmental expression profiles of Celsr (Flamingo) genes in the mouse.

First Author  Tissir F Year  2002
Journal  Mech Dev Volume  112
Issue  1-2 Pages  157-60
PubMed ID  11850187 Mgi Jnum  J:75697
Mgi Id  MGI:2177380 Doi  10.1016/s0925-4773(01)00623-2
Citation  Tissir F, et al. (2002) Developmental expression profiles of Celsr (Flamingo) genes in the mouse. Mech Dev 112(1-2):157-60
abstractText  Celsr, also called Flamingo (Fmi) genes encode proteins of the cadherin superfamily. Celsr cadherins are seven-pass transmembrane proteins with nine cadherin repeats in the extracellular domain, and an anonymous intracellular C-terminus. The Drosophila Fmi gene regulates epithelial planar cell polarity and dendritic field deployment. The three Flamingo gene orthologs in man and rodents are named, respectively, CELSR1-3 and Celsr1-3. Celsr1 and 2 are expressed during early development, in the brain and epithelia. In this report, we characterized further Celsr genes in the mouse, and examined their developmental pattern of expression. Each Celsr is expressed prominently in the developing brain following a specific pattern, suggesting that they serve distinct functions.
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