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Publication : A putative effector of Ral has homology to Rho/Rac GTPase activating proteins.

First Author  Park SH Year  1995
Journal  Oncogene Volume  11
Issue  11 Pages  2349-55
PubMed ID  8570186 Mgi Jnum  J:45479
Mgi Id  MGI:1195509 Citation  Park SH, et al. (1995) A putative effector of Ral has homology to Rho/Rac GTPase activating proteins. Oncogene 11(11):2349-55
abstractText  We report here the cloning of a gene encoding a novel Ral interacting protein (RIP1) from a cDNA expression library using radiolabeled Ral as probe. RIP1 binds to Ral in a GTP-dependent manner. The 4.1 kb transcript of the RIP1 gene is present in all tissues analysed and encodes for a protein product of 648 residues. RIP1 shares sequence similarity with GAP proteins that are capable of activating the GTPase activity of members of the Rho/Rac family of GTPases. When tested, RIP1 could activate the GTPase activity of CDC42 and, to a lesser extent, Rac1 but not RhoA, Ras, or Ral. Activated Ral had no effect on the GTPase-activating ability of RIP1, in vitro.
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