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Publication : Genomic organization and DNA sequence of the mouse kidney androgen-regulated protein (KAP) gene.

First Author  Niu EM Year  1991
Journal  DNA Cell Biol Volume  10
Issue  1 Pages  41-8
PubMed ID  1991048 Mgi Jnum  J:10967
Mgi Id  MGI:59409 Doi  10.1089/dna.1991.10.41
Citation  Niu EM, et al. (1991) Genomic organization and DNA sequence of the mouse kidney androgen-regulated protein (KAP) gene. DNA Cell Biol 10(1):41-8
abstractText  The gene for kidney androgen-regulated protein (KAP) is expressed under androgenic control in the epithelial cells of the renal cortical proximal tubules. However, there is an androgen-independent component of the expression of this gene that occurs specifically in the outermedullary S3 segments of the proximal tubules. In these cells, the KAP gene is estrogen responsive and its expression is dependent on pituitary function. As a first step in correlating its interesting cell-specific and hormonal regulation with the structure of the gene, the genomic organization of the KAP gene was described and sequence of the gene and the proximal 1 kb of 5'-flanking DNA was determined. Sequence motifs were identified in the 5'-flanking DNA that may function in the regulation KAP gene expression by androgen, estrogen, and pituitary glycoprotein hormones. The gene is present in a single copy in the mouse genome and is 3,807 nucleotides in length. It contains 4 exons of 120, 177, 63, and 251 nucleotides and three intervening sequences of 1,450, 126, and 1,620 nucleotides. The gene exhibits a high degree of a genetic polymorphism as revealed by comparison of restriction digests of DNA from two highly inbred strains, BALB/c and C57BL/6.
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