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Publication : Eos mediates Foxp3-dependent gene silencing in CD4+ regulatory T cells.

First Author  Pan F Year  2009
Journal  Science Volume  325
Issue  5944 Pages  1142-6
PubMed ID  19696312 Mgi Jnum  J:151916
Mgi Id  MGI:4355586 Doi  10.1126/science.1176077
Citation  Pan F, et al. (2009) Eos mediates Foxp3-dependent gene silencing in CD4+ regulatory T cells. Science 325(5944):1142-6
abstractText  CD4+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) maintain immunological self-tolerance and immune homeostasis by suppressing aberrant or excessive immune responses. The core genetic program of Tregs and their ability to suppress pathologic immune responses depends on the transcription factor Foxp3. Despite progress in understanding mechanisms of Foxp3-dependent gene activation, the molecular mechanism of Foxp3-dependent gene repression remains largely unknown. We identified Eos, a zinc-finger transcription factor of the Ikaros family, as a critical mediator of Foxp3-dependent gene silencing in Tregs. Eos interacts directly with Foxp3 and induces chromatin modifications that result in gene silencing in Tregs. Silencing of Eos in Tregs abrogates their ability to suppress immune responses and endows them with partial effector function, thus demonstrating the critical role that Eos plays in Treg programming.
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