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Publication : The N-terminal ectodomain of Ninjurin1 liberated by MMP9 has chemotactic activity.

First Author  Ahn BJ Year  2012
Journal  Biochem Biophys Res Commun Volume  428
Issue  4 Pages  438-44
PubMed ID  23142597 Mgi Jnum  J:304575
Mgi Id  MGI:6695674 Doi  10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.10.099
Citation  Ahn BJ, et al. (2012) The N-terminal ectodomain of Ninjurin1 liberated by MMP9 has chemotactic activity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 428(4):438-44
abstractText  Ninjurin1 is known as an adhesion molecule promoting leukocyte trafficking under inflammatory conditions. However, the posttranslational modifications of Ninjurin1 are poorly understood. Herein, we defined the proteolytic cleavage of Ninjurin1 and its functions. HEK293T cells overexpressing the C- or N-terminus tagging mouse Ninjurin1 plasmid produced additional cleaved forms of Ninjurin1 in the lysates or conditioned media (CM). Two custom-made anti-Ninjurin1 antibodies, Ab(1-15) or Ab(139-152), specific to the N- or C-terminal regions of Ninjurin1 revealed the presence of its shedding fragments in the mouse liver and kidney lysates. Furthermore, Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) 9 was responsible for Ninjurin1 cleavage between Leu(56) and Leu(57). Interestingly, the soluble N-terminal Ninjurin1 fragment has structural similarity with well-known chemokines. Indeed, the CM from HEK293T cells overexpressing the GFP-mNinj1 plasmid was able to attract Raw264.7 cells in trans-well assay. Collectively, we suggest that the N-terminal ectodomain of mouse Ninjurin1, which may act as a chemoattractant, is cleaved by MMP9.
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