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Publication : Mouse relaxin: synthesis and biological activity of the first relaxin with an unusual crosslinking pattern.

First Author  Büllesbach EE Year  1993
Journal  Biochem Biophys Res Commun Volume  196
Issue  1 Pages  311-9
PubMed ID  8216305 Mgi Jnum  J:15186
Mgi Id  MGI:63317 Doi  10.1006/bbrc.1993.2250
Citation  Bullesbach EE, et al. (1993) Mouse relaxin: synthesis and biological activity of the first relaxin with an unusual crosslinking pattern. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 196(1):311-9
abstractText  According to a recently published cDNA sequence, mouse relaxin has an extra amino acid in the C-terminal end of the A chain and thus an interchain loop consisting of 25 amino acids instead of the usual 24-membered ring. Because of the restrictive disulfide link arrangement the extra residue can be expected to cause a loop out in the C-terminal alpha-helix. We have chemically synthesized authentic mouse relaxin as well as an analog without the additional A chain residue and found that the native hormone, although active, was inferior to its insulin-like analog. This result is in harmony with our previous study which suggests that the surface of relaxin represented by the C-terminal helix of the A chain is positioned opposite to the surface that contains the receptor interaction site and therefore is less sensitive to modifications.
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