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Publication : Molecular cloning and expression of mouse mg(2+)-dependent protein phosphatase beta-4 (type 2C beta-4).

First Author  Kato S Year  1995
Journal  Arch Biochem Biophys Volume  318
Issue  2 Pages  387-93
PubMed ID  7733667 Mgi Jnum  J:24985
Mgi Id  MGI:72700 Doi  10.1006/abbi.1995.1244
Citation  Kato S, et al. (1995) Molecular cloning and expression of mouse mg(2+)-dependent protein phosphatase beta-4 (type 2C beta-4). Arch Biochem Biophys 318(2):387-93
abstractText  A full-length complementary DNA (cDNA) clone (pTK-3) encoding an isoform of Mg(2+)-dependent protein phosphatase beta (MPP beta-4) was isolated for the first time from a mouse melanocyte cDNA library. It was strongly suggested that the mRNA corresponding to the pTK-3 insert was a splicing variant of a single pre-mRNA that also encodes MPP beta-1 and -2 (T. Terasawa, T. Kobayashi, T. Murakami, M. Ohnishi, S. Kato, O. Tanaka, H. Kondo, H. Yamamoto, T. Takeuchi, and S. Tamura, 1993, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 307, 342-349). The amino acid sequence of MPP beta-4 differed from those of MPP beta-1 and -2 only at the carboxyl terminal region. Analysis by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) revealed that MPP beta-4 mRNA was expressed only in testis and intestine and not in other mouse tissues tested. Specific expression of the mRNA signals of two other isoforms of MPP beta, MPP beta-3 and -5 (a novel isoform), in testis and intestine was also demonstrated by the RT-PCR. The carboxyl terminal region of MPP beta-5 was found to have a chimera structure composed of part of MPP beta-1 and part of MPP beta-3. The recombinant MPP beta-3 and -4 and the putative MPP beta-5 expressed in Escherichia coli cells exhibited Mg(2+)-dependent and okadaic acid-insensitive protein phosphatase activities. It was demonstrated that the mRNA expression levels of MPP beta-3, -4, and -5 alter according to the maturation of mouse testis. These results suggest that the complex structure of MPP beta isoforms and their tissue- and developmental stage-specific expression reflect the variety of their physiological functions.
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