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Publication : Gene structure and chromosome mapping of mouse transcription elongation factor S-II (Tcea1).

First Author  Ito T Year  2000
Journal  Gene Volume  244
Issue  1-2 Pages  55-63
PubMed ID  10689187 Mgi Jnum  J:58248
Mgi Id  MGI:1346986 Doi  10.1016/s0378-1119(00)00007-x
Citation  Ito T, et al. (2000) Gene structure and chromosome mapping of mouse transcription elongation factor S-II (Tcea1). Gene 244(1-2):55-63
abstractText  We report the organization and chromosome localization of the mouse transcription elongation factor S-II gene (Tcea1). This gene was found to be a single copy gene consisting of 10 exons spanning approximately 30kb. Its organization was the same as those of the mouse testis-specific S-II gene (Tcea2) and Xenopus general S-II gene (xTFIIS.oA), but different from that of the human S-II gene family. We also identified a processed pseudogene (Tcea1-ps1) with a sequence highly homologous to those of S-II cDNAs but containing a translation termination codon within its open reading frame. Linkage analysis showed that Tcea1 and Tcea1-ps1 are mapped on mouse chromosomes 1 and 15, respectively. Relationships between Tcea1 and S-II cDNAs isolated so far are discussed.
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